Dauth Family Archive - 1881-02-17 - The Fort Collins Courier - Louis Dauth Sells Bakery

1881-02-17 – The Fort Collins Courier – Louis Dauth Sells Bakery

Mr. Geo. L. Kirchnier, one of Collins' most enterprising merchants and business men has purchased Louis Dauth's bakery, together with the building, fixtures and his entire stock of family groceries, etc. Mr. Kirchner entered into possession of his new purchase yesterday, and will continue to carry on the same lines of business, including the bakery department. To close out his old stock he offers rare opportunities for getting groceries cheap. Since Mr. Kirchner entered into business in Fort Collins he has rapidly risen to a position well up towards the front rank, and is highly esteemed by all classes for his fair methods of doing business. Mr. Dauth has not yet determined what he will do in the future.

Date: 1881-02-17
Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Permalink: https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1881-02-17-the-fort-collins-courier-louis-dauth-sells-bakery/

The Fort Collins Courier [Fort Collins, Colorado, USA], 17 Feb. 1881, Newspapers.com. Ancestry, https://www.newspapers.com/.

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1881-02-17 – The Fort Collins Courier – Louis Dauth Sells Bakery." Dauth Family Archive, 6 Jun. 2022, https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1881-02-17-the-fort-collins-courier-louis-dauth-sells-bakery/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2022, June 6) 1881-02-17 – The Fort Collins Courier – Louis Dauth Sells Bakery. Retrieved November 25, 2023, from https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1881-02-17-the-fort-collins-courier-louis-dauth-sells-bakery/.

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1881-02-17 – The Fort Collins Courier – Louis Dauth Sells Bakery." Dauth Family Archive. June 6, 2022. Accessed November 25, 2023. https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1881-02-17-the-fort-collins-courier-louis-dauth-sells-bakery/.