Dauth Family Archive - 1888-06-14 - The Leadville Daily - Elisabeth Dauth Confronts A Beastly Peddler

1888-06-14 – The Leadville Daily – Elisabeth Dauth Confronts A Beastly Peddler

A Beastly Peddler

Complaints have been lodged with the city marshal recently that a peddler, who sold soft solder from door to door, and who has been in the city for a week or two, was annoying people by thrusting himself into houses where he was told they wanted nothing and cursing them when they refused to buy. Wednesday afternoon, the gentleman in question entered Mrs. Cliff's florist establishment, at 128 West Seventh street, and insisted on showing her the solder. She told him that she did not wish any. He began to insist, and she told him again that she desired nothing, and ordered him out of the place. He refused to go and began his filthy remarks and profane language. Mrs. Cliff called to a man who who is employed about the place who was in the yard, and the fellow got out. Later in the day he was arrested, and gave his name as William Richards. Thursday he was fined $10 and costs, and warned that if he was ever caught again at such a business that he would be escorted out of town.

Provides address information.

Date: 1888-06-14
Location: Leadville, Colorado, USA
Permalink: https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1888-06-14-the-leadville-daily-elisabeth-dauth-confronts-a-beastly-peddler/

"A Beastly Peddler". The Leadville Daily [Leadville, Colorado, USA], 14 Jun. 1888, p. 5. Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection. Colorado State Library, https://www.coloradohistoricnewspapers.org/.

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1888-06-14 – The Leadville Daily – Elisabeth Dauth Confronts A Beastly Peddler." Dauth Family Archive, 10 Feb. 2023, https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1888-06-14-the-leadville-daily-elisabeth-dauth-confronts-a-beastly-peddler/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2023, February 10) 1888-06-14 – The Leadville Daily – Elisabeth Dauth Confronts A Beastly Peddler. Retrieved November 25, 2023, from https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1888-06-14-the-leadville-daily-elisabeth-dauth-confronts-a-beastly-peddler/.

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1888-06-14 – The Leadville Daily – Elisabeth Dauth Confronts A Beastly Peddler." Dauth Family Archive. February 10, 2023. Accessed November 25, 2023. https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1888-06-14-the-leadville-daily-elisabeth-dauth-confronts-a-beastly-peddler/.