Dauth Family Archive - 1897-09-09 - Denver Rocky Mountain News - Philip Dauth Porcupine Story And Sketch

1897-09-09 – Denver Rocky Mountain News – Philip Dauth Porcupine Story And Sketch

Porcupine In The Park

Workmen had a hard time shaking it out of a tree but finally succeeded. Then they gathered the animal into a barrel by means of rakes- The prize is now one of the attractions at City Park- An Exciting Chase.

While Foreman Linton and Philip Dauth were cutting grass on one of the lawns in Lincoln park yesterday afternoon, a small boy ran up to them with the information that a “coon” was perched in the top of one of the trees. Surrounding the tree pointed out, sure enough, the men saw an animal of some sort. It was agreed to be rather large for a coon and a little small for a bear. The unknown quality of the brute caused some hesitation and discussion as to the proper method to take to bring him out of the tree. Finally Mr. Dauth grasped the tree tightly, turned his face downward, shut his eyes and shook the limbs violently. Down came Mr. Porcupine with a thud, and another shower of arrows.

A barrel had been secured, and the men used rakes in getting their victim in it. He swished his tail about viciously as the rakes touched his side, but finally went in as guided. The barrel was hastily put on end and boards put over the open top.

Later the quill driver was carted to City park and put in one of the cages, where he will be kept. The throwing of quills was done entirely with the tail. When the porcupine switched that useful member about the little arrows seemed to fall out, as hair will sometimes do. None of them did more than merely stick to the object it stuck, though the barbs are of such a character that if allowed to cling would gradually work the quill into the flesh. As porcupines usually travel in pairs, the park laborers will look out for the other one.

Sketch Of Philip Dauth
This article provides the only known image of Philip Dauth, sketched shaking a tree in Lincoln Park to capture a porcupine.

Date: 1897-09-09
Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
Permalink: https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1897-09-09-denver-rocky-mountain-news-philip-dauth-porcupine-story-and-sketch/

"Porcupine In The Park". Denver Rocky Mountain News [Denver, Colorado, USA], 9 Sep. 1897, NewsBank. Genealogy Bank, https://www.genealogybank.com/.

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1897-09-09 – Denver Rocky Mountain News – Philip Dauth Porcupine Story And Sketch." Dauth Family Archive, 1 Apr. 2023, https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1897-09-09-denver-rocky-mountain-news-philip-dauth-porcupine-story-and-sketch/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2023, April 1) 1897-09-09 – Denver Rocky Mountain News – Philip Dauth Porcupine Story And Sketch. Retrieved November 25, 2023, from https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1897-09-09-denver-rocky-mountain-news-philip-dauth-porcupine-story-and-sketch/.

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1897-09-09 – Denver Rocky Mountain News – Philip Dauth Porcupine Story And Sketch." Dauth Family Archive. April 1, 2023. Accessed November 25, 2023. https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1897-09-09-denver-rocky-mountain-news-philip-dauth-porcupine-story-and-sketch/.