Dauth Family Archive - 1904-06-02 - The Greeley Tribune - Florence Yeaton Sells Millinery

1904-06-02 – The Greeley Tribune – Florence Yeaton Sells Millinery

Florence Yeaton sells her business.

Mrs. George Dauth has disposed of her millinery business to Mrs. Demorest, that lady to take possession in about thirty days.

Florence sold her millinery in anticipation of having her first child, George Dauth Jr.

Date: 1904-06-02
Location: Greeley, Colorado, USA
Permalink: https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1904-06-02-the-greeley-tribune-florence-yeaton-sells-millinery/

The Greeley Tribune [Greeley, Colorado, USA], 2 Jun. 1904, p. 7. Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection. Colorado State Library, https://www.coloradohistoricnewspapers.org/.

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1904-06-02 – The Greeley Tribune – Florence Yeaton Sells Millinery." Dauth Family Archive, 4 Jun. 2022, https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1904-06-02-the-greeley-tribune-florence-yeaton-sells-millinery/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2022, June 4) 1904-06-02 – The Greeley Tribune – Florence Yeaton Sells Millinery. Retrieved November 25, 2023, from https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1904-06-02-the-greeley-tribune-florence-yeaton-sells-millinery/.

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1904-06-02 – The Greeley Tribune – Florence Yeaton Sells Millinery." Dauth Family Archive. June 4, 2022. Accessed November 25, 2023. https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1904-06-02-the-greeley-tribune-florence-yeaton-sells-millinery/.