Dauth Family Archive - 1905-12-02 - Denver Post - Philip Dauth Suicide

1905-12-02 – Denver Post – Philip Dauth Suicide


Philip Dauth, Former Pueblo Business Man, Swallows Two Ounces of Carbolic Acid; Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 2. -Philip Dauth until a year ago a member of the Colorado Iron and Wire Works firm, and since then living on a small farm near Vineland, attempted suicide in the Utopia rooming house at 203 1/2 North Santa Fe avenue last night and is now at the point of death at Pueblo hospital. Dauth has been a sufferer from Bright’s disease for fifteen years and in letters he left before taking a two-ounce dose of carbolic acid he said the suffering was more than he could bear. His wife died less than a year ago, leaving six young children. A brother, Louis Dauth and brother-in-law, Fred Hornung, both of Denver, are mentioned in a letter he left for the children. The letter to the children gives Dauth’s reasons for his rash act: “Dear Children- You know what I have suffered, and the last few days more than ever. I could not stand it any longer, and those insulting letters from Denver made it worse. Do the best you can and see what Uncle Louis and Fred will do. I hope they will take care of the little ones now and give them a good home. God bless you all, but it was the best I could do. “Good-bye to all. Bury me next to Katie. That’s all I ask. Good-bye, dear children. God bless you. Your father, “PH. DAUTH.” For several years Dauth resided in Pueblo. With T. H. McMurdle he organized the Colorado Iron and Wire Works and was in comfortable circumstances until his health failed. A year ago he sold out his interest in the works to C. E. Cherrington, having been advised by a physician that he must quit active work. With his wife and family, Dauth moved onto a small farm near Vineland and a few months later his wife died. In straitened financial circumstances and in poor health, he grew despondent and his rash act of last night was the end.

Philip Dauth
Katie Hornung

Date: 1905-12-02
Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
Permalink: https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1905-12-02-denver-post-philip-dauth-suicide/

"ILL HEALTH AND INSULTS DRIVE HIM TO DEATH". Denver Post [Denver, Colorado, USA], 2 Dec. 1905, NewsBank. Genealogy Bank, https://www.genealogybank.com/.

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1905-12-02 – Denver Post – Philip Dauth Suicide." Dauth Family Archive, 15 Jun. 2022, https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1905-12-02-denver-post-philip-dauth-suicide/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2022, June 15) 1905-12-02 – Denver Post – Philip Dauth Suicide. Retrieved November 25, 2023, from https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1905-12-02-denver-post-philip-dauth-suicide/.

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1905-12-02 – Denver Post – Philip Dauth Suicide." Dauth Family Archive. June 15, 2022. Accessed November 25, 2023. https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1905-12-02-denver-post-philip-dauth-suicide/.