Dauth Family Archive - 1939-02-22 - The Craig Empire Courier -  Fred Dauth Helps Save A Sick Person During Blizzard

1939-02-22 – The Craig Empire Courier – Fred Dauth Helps Save A Sick Person During Blizzard

Woman Taken To Town On Ski Pallet

Men on snow shoes draw improvised sled over deep snows through blizzard to get medical aid. ; According to an Associated Press dispatch under date of February 20, a young bride, who with her husband, John Harrington, was spending the winter on upper White river at Elk Lodge, reached a doctor's care in Meeker Sunday after two men hauled her through a mountain blizzard on a toboggan improvised from skies and orange crates. ; The story by the Associated Press was as follows: ; "The woman, Mrs. Patricia Harrington, 21, may have to undergo an operation for an intestinal obstruction. Dr. W. F. Taylor of Meeker reported. ; "The young woman's husband, John Harrington, 27, and Fred Dauth, a neighbor, started their 40-mile journey from Elk Lodge at remote Trapper's lake Saturday morning. ; "The blizzard caught them Sunday, Harrington reported, after the had spent Saturday night in a cow camp nine miles down the road from Trapper's lake. ; "'It was awful rough going.' said Harrington. 'but we never lost the trail. ; "'But our snowshoes sank deep every step. We were pushing through new, soft snow five feet deep.' ; "Almost exhausted, Harrington and Dauth had reached the resort settlement of Twin Springs. ; "A sled pulled by four horses awaited them there. The sled crew reached Meeker with Mrs. Harrington late Sunday after plowing through more than 25 miles of drift piled road. ; "'My wife started to get sick early last week.' related Harrington, who came with his wife from Rockford, Ill., early last fall to be winter caretaker at Elk Lodge and to trap in the upper White river country. ; ";By Friday we knew she had to be taken to a doctor,' Harrington said. ; "'There was no way of calling a doctor to come out to us, so I went after Dauth. He lives seven miles below us. ; "'We fixed up the toboggan with two pair of skies,' Harrington recounted. 'We knocked the ends out of two orange crates, filled them with blankets and made a bed for Patricia. ; "'We started down Saturday morning. It was heavy going on those snowshoes. ; "'But we were all comfortable Saturday night in the cow camp cabin,' Harrington said."

Date: 1939-02-22
Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Permalink: https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1939-02-22-the-craig-empire-courier-fred-dauth-helps-save-a-sick-person-during-blizzard/

"Woman Taken To Town On Ski Pallet". Fort Collins Courier [Craig, Colorado, USA], 22 Feb. 1939, p. 1. Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection. Colorado State Library, https://www.coloradohistoricnewspapers.org/.

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1939-02-22 – The Craig Empire Courier – Fred Dauth Helps Save A Sick Person During Blizzard." Dauth Family Archive, 4 Mar. 2023, https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1939-02-22-the-craig-empire-courier-fred-dauth-helps-save-a-sick-person-during-blizzard/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2023, March 4) 1939-02-22 – The Craig Empire Courier – Fred Dauth Helps Save A Sick Person During Blizzard. Retrieved November 25, 2023, from https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1939-02-22-the-craig-empire-courier-fred-dauth-helps-save-a-sick-person-during-blizzard/.

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1939-02-22 – The Craig Empire Courier – Fred Dauth Helps Save A Sick Person During Blizzard." Dauth Family Archive. March 4, 2023. Accessed November 25, 2023. https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1939-02-22-the-craig-empire-courier-fred-dauth-helps-save-a-sick-person-during-blizzard/.