Dauth Family Archive - 1976-12-01 - Greeley Daily Tribune - Emily Albee Paintings

1976-12-01 – Greeley Daily Tribune – Emily Albee Paintings

Story about the history of a painting done by Emily Albee that was given to George Dauth, eventually becoming part of the UNC art collection.

Background on 'The Cattle' comes forth

By Jim Hasl UNC News Service intern. A painting depicting grazing cattle has led a University of Northern Colorado fine arts professor on to a stampede of information. According to Dr. Richard Munson, assistant professor of fine arts at UNC, the painting came to the attention of the art faculty during the "Collector's Choice" art exhibit last October. The painting hung for several years in the coffee lounge of Frasier Hall. Munson said that following a news story in the Greeley Tribune he started receiving information on the painting which was a mystery in that its origin and artist were unknown. In a letter to Munson by Mrs. Leslie L. Dauth, she said the painting was done by the grandmother of her husband, an Emily Albee Yeaton, born Dec. 26 1853, and died in 1932. According to the letter, "Grandmother Yeaton painted 'The Cattle' for her son-in-law, George Dauth, father of the younger Dauth. The elder Dauth owned a meat market in Greeley in which the painting hung from 1915 to 1935 when the market closed. The painting was taken from the meat market to Meeker Junior High School in Greeley by Mrs. Ivy Vine Lewis, a a sister off the elder Dauth. Mrs. Neal A. Fuller of Greeley, a former student of Mrs. Lewis, said she remembered the painting from her days at Meeker Junior High in the 1940s. "Over the years I have remembered this painting because I love that painting beyond all I have ever seen. Mrs. Lewis used this picture as an example of dominance and balance," Mrs. Fuller said. She added that Mrs. Lewis was "quite a gal, quite a teacher and quite an artist." Mrs. Lewis retired from the school and had the painting in her home until her death, at which time it was given to the university. Munson said that looking into the artist's background shows Emily Yeaton was born in Nebraska but painted the picture in Oklahoma following the opening of the territory to settlers. Mrs. Dauth said she "can still remember Grandmother Yeaton telling of waiting on the line to rush in to establish a homestead when the gun went off." She also added that Grandmother Yeaton was a professional artist for many years and sold paintings throughout the country. Additional information shows Emily Yeaton moved to Greeley and lived with Mrs. Dauth's mother-in-law until her death. Most of her painting, however, was done during her years in Oklahoma. Munson said information is still being gathered about the painting and its history. Information on a collection of Emily Yeaton's works hanging in a home in Dallas, Tex., is also being gathered. The painting for the present will remain in university storage until its fate is decided. ; CATTLE PAINTING - University of Northern Colorado fine arts faculty members Dave Haas, left, and Richard Munson look over Emily Albee Yeaton painting. (UNC News Service photo)

Date: 1976-12-01
Location: Greeley, Colorado, USA
Permalink: https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1976-12-01-greeley-daily-tribune-story-about-george-dauths-cattle-painting-jpg/

"Background on 'The Cattle' comes forth". The Greeley Tribune [Greeley, Colorado, USA], 1 Dec. 1976, Newspapers.com. Ancestry, https://www.newspapers.com/.

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1976-12-01 – Greeley Daily Tribune – Emily Albee Paintings." Dauth Family Archive, 3 Jun. 2022, https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1976-12-01-greeley-daily-tribune-story-about-george-dauths-cattle-painting-jpg/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2022, June 3) 1976-12-01 – Greeley Daily Tribune – Emily Albee Paintings. Retrieved November 25, 2023, from https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1976-12-01-greeley-daily-tribune-story-about-george-dauths-cattle-painting-jpg/.

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1976-12-01 – Greeley Daily Tribune – Emily Albee Paintings." Dauth Family Archive. June 3, 2022. Accessed November 25, 2023. https://dauthfamily.github.io/article/1976-12-01-greeley-daily-tribune-story-about-george-dauths-cattle-painting-jpg/.