Dauth Family Archive - 1931-04-03 - Fred Dauth Land Patent

1931-04-03 – Fred Dauth Land Patent

Fred Dauth made a land claim of 160 acres south of Meeker along the East Fork Flag Creek in Bloodworth Gulch. He improved the land by building a tourist guest ranch., known as the Fred Dauth Ranch.

... the claim of Fred Dauth has been established and duly consummated, in conformity to law, for the east half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section eight and the west half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the south half of the southwest quarter of Section nine in Township two south of Range ninety-three west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado, containing one hundred sixty acres ...

Date: 1931-04-03
Location: Meeker, Colorado, USA
Permalink: https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1931-04-03-fred-dauth-land-patent/

Dauth Family Archive. https://dauthfamily.github.io/. |

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1931-04-03 – Fred Dauth Land Patent." Dauth Family Archive, 4 Mar. 2023, https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1931-04-03-fred-dauth-land-patent/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2023, March 4) 1931-04-03 – Fred Dauth Land Patent. Retrieved November 25, 2023, from https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1931-04-03-fred-dauth-land-patent/.

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1931-04-03 – Fred Dauth Land Patent." Dauth Family Archive. March 4, 2023. Accessed November 25, 2023. https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1931-04-03-fred-dauth-land-patent/.