Dauth Family Archive - 1932-05-20 - Greeley Daily Tribune - June Dauth Sports Obituary

1932-05-20 – Greeley Daily Tribune – June Dauth Sports Obituary

Seen from the Bench

The tragic passing of George Dauth Jr., “June” to everyone, recalls Greeley high school basketball thru four year of its greatest glory, to at least three years of which young Dauth was one of its most important contributors. Dauth is being widely mourned, not only as a player but as a sportsman, thru his high school days and also I his eight years out of high school. ; Dauth first appeared in Greeley high school basketball in the spring of 1921. That year Coach Arnold D. Jones won with a team of veterans the state basketball title at Boulder. In that tournament he had a substitute team of likely youngsters and it was not an uncommon thing for Jones to jerk all five veterans and let the youngsters hold the lead in state championship games. On the substitute team George Dauth, Jr., played center. ; In May, 1921 the state champions graduated – R. Barea, G. Timothy, F. P. Barry, Joe James, and Glen Jacobs – leaving of his first six, Joe Enright, utility man. Ones had six men on his first team. The next spring, 1922, Jones took his 1921 substitutes including Joe Enright, and again on the conference and state championship. Regulars on that team were J. King and Ed James, forwards; Dauth, center; and Joe Enright and Sid Smith, guards; with Ernest Ogle as utility. In that year Dauth was all state center on the second team. ; In 1923, the Windsor Wizards rose. Dauth made the all-northern second team, and the Wizards won the conference, state and Rocky Mountain title. On the all-conference second team with him were: Stockfleth of Eaton, A. Van Maire of Windsor, forwards; and Terwilliger of Boulder Prep, and McGrady of Windsor, guards. The high school team that year consisted of Ed James, E. Ogle and Witwer, forwards; Dauth, center; and Ted James and Bob Spangler, guards. ; Even tho Greeley high was fortunate enough to be in the same league with the national championship Windsor Wizards during Dauth’s senior year in high school 1924, circumstance made it possible for the local youth to earn his greatest high school basketball honor. Windsor won the conference and the state. Coach Joe Ryan, now of Aggies, decided to concentrate on the national championships at Chicago. Invited to the all-Rocky Mountain tournament at Salt Lake City, Ryan declined, and recommended Greeley high to represent Colorado as the second strongest team, even tho Greeley high had not been in the state tournament. ; The Wildcats accepted. Coach Von Henriod took a slow breaking offense back court five men defensive team to the Utah capital to play the big scoring boys from Utah, Montana, and Idaho. Eight teams were entered- Greeley; Pangulch and Latter Day Saints Academy in Utah; Butte and Helena, Mont.; Rigby. Ids., Laramie, and Rock Springs, Wyo. The tournament was a one-game elimination. ; The first all night all four winners except Greeley made high sores. Greeley beat Butte 26 to 23, and Dauth made 8 of Greeley’s field goals. In the semi final the next night, Greeley beat Rock Springs 14 to 12, with no Greeley player making more than 2 field goals, and Dauth got his pair. Latter Day Saints, coached by Vadal Peterson, Utah university mentor, entered the finals by a huge score, and the Wildcats were not given a look-in. ; The Wildcats won the Rocky Mountain title over the L.D.S. quint, 20 to 13, and the players that participated in the game, Peterson will tell you, are wondering 8 years later what happened. The Wildcats sank 20 field goals and Dauth got just half of them. He was the pick of Utah newspaper critics for all-Rocky Mountain high school center. ; In 1922, Dauth was left guard on the Greeley high school football team. He dropped back to punt. Steele and Halpin were ends; John White and Sloan, tackles; and Dauth and E. Ogle guards. Ted James. Later to be all Missouri valley center, held down that Job; R. Heck, private school athletic director in California played quarter; Don Enright and H. Enright were half back, and Moore fullback. This team beat Fort Collins 6 to 0, and lost a three cornered playoff for the conference title by the same score. The next year, 1923. Earl Rice, beefy lineman, and Jack Mashburn, feet moving husky, were at guard for the Wildcats and Dauth plugged away a substitute in his senior year. ; Dauth played on the only eastern division Rocky Mountain conference basketball team the Teachers ever had in 1926. He was at center and forward, and was put in and taken out frequently as was the coach’s style. Other forwards were: Piper, Day, Pete Brown, and Willett. Huggins and Johnson also played center. Glidden, Jack Mashburn. Flint and Walter Schlosser were guards. ; The next year with Teachers Dauth was regular forward, tho he played some at center. In the conference scoring he finalized sixth with 99 points. Mashburn, Myron Willett, M. Ogle, G. Dauth, and L. Dauth were forwards; G. Dauth. Huggins and Day, centers; and Woody, Glidden, Mashburn, and Lindbloom, guards. The team finished second in the conference. ; that rounds out Dauth’s athletic record. It also includes much semipro basketball. All thru Dauth played basketball for the fun of it. Not only was he an amateur in fact, but in spirit. ; To this athletic obituary, recalling much Greeley sport history, may be added the words of his National Guard captain: “Lieutenant George Dauth Jr., was the finest boy I have ever had in my outfit. He’ll be hard to replace. Give him a job and you needn’t worry when and how it was don. Also out of 300 men who have been in the outfits at various times, he is the only one to die.”

Date: 1932-05-20
Location: Greeley, Colorado, USA
Permalink: https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1932-05-20-greeley-daily-tribune-june-dauth-sports-obituary/

Dauth Family Archive. https://dauthfamily.github.io/. |

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1932-05-20 – Greeley Daily Tribune – June Dauth Sports Obituary." Dauth Family Archive, 11 Jun. 2022, https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1932-05-20-greeley-daily-tribune-june-dauth-sports-obituary/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2022, June 11) 1932-05-20 – Greeley Daily Tribune – June Dauth Sports Obituary. Retrieved November 25, 2023, from https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1932-05-20-greeley-daily-tribune-june-dauth-sports-obituary/.

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1932-05-20 – Greeley Daily Tribune – June Dauth Sports Obituary." Dauth Family Archive. June 11, 2022. Accessed November 25, 2023. https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1932-05-20-greeley-daily-tribune-june-dauth-sports-obituary/.