Dauth Family Archive - 1946-04-29 - Weekly Tribune - George Dauth's Obituary

1946-04-29 – Weekly Tribune – George Dauth’s Obituary

George Dauth was killed by a train, while driving to his farm in Evans, Colorado.

George Dauth Killed by Fast Train at Evans

George Dauth, 77, of 1731 Eleventh avenue, resident here for the past 43 years, was killed instantly at Evans Monday at 10:10 a. m. when the car he was driving was struck by the California Limited, No. 23. After the locomotive had carried the car 300 feet, Mr. Dauth's body fell out of it. Five hundred feet further on, or 800 feet from the point where it was stuck, the car caught on a signal tower and was torn away from the locomotive. Witnesses said Dauth was alone. He was driving from Greeley to Evans where he owns some chickens which he planned to feed. He turned east onto the crossing from Highway 85. Witnesses said he was driving very slowly and could have stopped almost at once had he seen the train in time. The train struck his car directly in the middle of the right side. His death is the second highway death near Greeley in the past two days. Arline Virginia Sagel, 16- year-old Greeley high school girl, was killed by a hit-run driver on the west side of Greeley Saturday night. By 11 a. m. train workmen were busy gathering the scattered wreckage of the car from the right of way. Born in Germany in 1868. Mr. Dauth was born in Westofen Hessen, Germany, on Oct. 24 1868. His older brother, Louie, had been in the Franco-Prussian war, which had given the family its fill of military life. Therefore the younger sons were sent to the United States when they neared military age, each of three brothers being accompanied by a well-educated sister. Mr. Dauth arrived in the United States on Oct. 16 1884, and went directly to fort Collins, where his brother, Louie, had built the first brick mercantile building and one of the oldest brick houses. Louie died in Denver at the age of 90 last year. At that time he was one of the two surviving veterans of the Franco-Prussian war in Denver. Mr. Dauth went into the meat market business in Denver. There he met Florence Yeaton, who in 1901, established a millinery shop in Greeley. The two were married in 1903, and Mr. Dauth sold his market in Denver and in 1905 established one in Greeley at 806 Ninth street west of the present site of the J. V. Smith and Son store. Later the millinery store was sold to Nelson Demorest. About 1918 the market became Baab Brothers and Dauth. Mr. Dauth was in business there until 1933, having operated the market for 28 years before he retired. ; Had Early Baseball Park ; Mr. Dauth at one time operated a slaughter house near the Senier place on Fifth street road. At that time he developed a baseball park on the grounds, prior to the Island Grove baseball diamond. He was always tremendously interested in sports. Since his retirement, Mr. Dauth has taken an especial interest in the summer home at Idlewild, half way between Loveland and Estes Park, in the Big Thompson canon. Mr. and Mrs. Dauth have owned it since just prior to World War I. ; 25 Years Elks Trustee ; Mr. Dauth was an honorary life member of the Elks. He had been a trustee of the lodge here for 25 years. He was a trustee at the time the present Elks home was bult and was largely responsible for the use of the present site near the community's center of population. Altho not a member now, Mr. Dauth was very proud of his 25-year badge in the I.O.O.F., thru membership in Denver lodge. John Allnut, Weld county coroner, said there will no inquest. Mr and Mrs. Dauth were parents of six children of whom one, Leslie L. Dauth, 1113 Eighteenth street, a returned war veteran, survives. Besides this son, Mr. Dauth is survived by his wife, Mrs. Florence Dauth, two grandchildren, Leslie Ann and Jerry Dauth, 1113 Eighteenth Street, and by one sister, Mrs. Jacob Fitting, 1077 South Washington Denver. Funeral services for Mr. Dauth will be held from Macy's Drawing from Wednesday at 10 a. m. Rev. Joseph C. Cleveland, pastor of the Park Congregational church, will conduct the service. The Elk's lodge will be in charge of grave side services at Linn Grove cemetery.

Date: 1946-04-29
Location: Greeley, Colorado, USA
Permalink: https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1946-04-29-weekly-tribune-george-dauths-obituary/

"George Dauth Killed by Fast Train at Evans". Weekly Tribune [Greeley, Colorado, USA], 29 Apr. 1946, Dauth Family Archive. https://dauthfamily.github.io/. |

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1946-04-29 – Weekly Tribune – George Dauth’s Obituary." Dauth Family Archive, 2 Jun. 2022, https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1946-04-29-weekly-tribune-george-dauths-obituary/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2022, June 2) 1946-04-29 – Weekly Tribune – George Dauth’s Obituary. Retrieved November 25, 2023, from https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1946-04-29-weekly-tribune-george-dauths-obituary/.

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "1946-04-29 – Weekly Tribune – George Dauth’s Obituary." Dauth Family Archive. June 2, 2022. Accessed November 25, 2023. https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/1946-04-29-weekly-tribune-george-dauths-obituary/.