Dauth Family Archive - Circa 1946 -  Florence Dauth Housemother of ASA

Circa 1946 – Florence Dauth Housemother of ASA

Article for the ASA Sorority House with Florence Dauth as Housemother. The ASA Sorority was affiliated with the Colorado State College of Education (University of Northern Colorado). The Phoenix was an annual publication put out by the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority.

Beta Beta's Castle

"In our castle on the avenue" is where you'll find Beta Beta's most of the time. The ASA house is a block from the C.S.C.E. campus and is situated on an avenue. The house has been part of our chapter for many years. During that time Mrs. Dauth, owner of the house, has been housemother and much more too, for she is really a foster mother to the whole sorority. Our castle itself is a two-story frame building with a large front porch. Upstairs there are three double rooms and one single bedroom. Downstairs there is a double bedroom and a large living room and dining room. The single upstairs room has earned the title, "Bridal Suite," because most of the girls who have moved into the room have become engaged shortly afterwards. Needless to say there is a long list of applicants for the room. There are six other sororities at C.S.C.E. Ours is the only one which has a private house. The others have been meeting at dormitories but recently they were banned from residence halls. What envious eyes admire our home! What we like best about our house is its versatility. On Monday nights it is a meeting place for all of us. During rushing it serves as a lovely home for an afternoon tea, a lounge for an informal card party, a castle for our Cinderella banquet. Upon occasion it has been a tavern, a tropical isle, the big tent and once it was The Sad Shack, hangout for mountain folk. The outside has often been changed for homecoming contests. Last year it sported a big brown bear which won second prize. Our house is the scene of pledging, installation, and active services. In it we have often experienced the thrill that comes when one of us passes the candy and the whole sorority joins in the Sweetheart song. On its porch we have stood while the lucky fellow and his frat serenade our sweetheart. Our house is the place where we have our happiest times, do our most serious work, and plan for the welfare of our group. Our being Alpha Sigmas means much to all of us at Beta Beta, and when we think of the sorority we think of our house and how it is truly our castle on the avenue.

Date: c. 1946
Location: Greeley, Colorado, USA
Permalink: https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/c-1946-florence-dauth-housemother-of-asa/

"Beta Beta's Castle". The Phoenix [Greeley, Colorado, USA], Dauth Family Archive. https://dauthfamily.github.io/. |

MLA Format
Dauth Family Archive. "Circa 1946 – Florence Dauth Housemother of ASA." Dauth Family Archive, 4 Jun. 2022, https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/c-1946-florence-dauth-housemother-of-asa/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2023.

APA Format
Dauth Family Archive. (2022, June 4) Circa 1946 – Florence Dauth Housemother of ASA. Retrieved November 25, 2023, from https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/c-1946-florence-dauth-housemother-of-asa/.

Chicago Format
Dauth Family Archive. "Circa 1946 – Florence Dauth Housemother of ASA." Dauth Family Archive. June 4, 2022. Accessed November 25, 2023. https://dauthfamily.github.io/document/c-1946-florence-dauth-housemother-of-asa/.